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Project stage: engineering

Continuous Thermal Decomposition Plant (TDP-2-200)

Continuous Thermal Decomposition Plant (TDP-2-500)

Continuous Thermal Decomposition Plant (TDP-2-800)

Batch Thermal Decomposition Plant (TDP-1)
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It is impossible to imagine the life without rubber goods for modern civilization, and only old rubber, in particular used tyres, we seem to be iniquity. Meanwhile,...
Thermal decomposition of used tyres and rubber products, known as pyrolysis technology, is based on thermal degradation of feedstock under the high temperatures...
One of the waste thermal treatment trends is the move from incineration technology to pyrolysis. Implementation of pyrolysis provides the reduction of waste amount...
The trial operation of TDP-2-200 continuous pyrolysis plant was...
Next scheduled batch of components for TDP-2-2000 pyrolysis...